The Washington Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded by the SBA with matching grants from the communities they serve. The Lacey/Olympia Center receives its matching funds from South Puget Sound Community College. It provides no-cost business advising and a myriad of educational resources to companies of all stages; from start-up to growth to succession. The Center Director is Certified Business Advisor Jennifer Dye. She is supported by Administrative Professional Sachint Goel.
The Washington Center for Women in Business (WCWB) offers a variety of services to women entrepreneurs, individuals interested in starting a business, and organizations in business that are interested in growing their business. The WCWB offers a free one hour Intro to Business Startup course, one-on-one coaching, an ongoing webinar series Let's Talk Business, and the annual INSPIRE Women's Business Conference.
The Lacey MakerSpace is a workshop for builders and inventors. Located on the St. Martin’s University Campus in Zaverl Hall the space serves as a catalyst for economic growth. The Lacey MakerSpace benefits the community by providing access to advanced design and fabrication tools, business and education resources, and skill development.
The Washington APEX Accelerator formerly WA State Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) assists businesses through the government-contracting marketplace. Washington APEX Accelerator's mission is to increase the number of government contracts awarded to Washington firms so that those firms can grow. They provide no cost, confidential, one-on-one technical assistance in all aspects of selling to federal, state, and local governments.